Everyday,  Trauma Parenting

My dog is Houdini

No one barfed on anyone last night, I didn’t run across any vapes hidden in the house in the last 24 hours, and it’s finally Friday! I’ll call that a win. (The bar is low here.) We had an emergency placement dropped off her last night. Very quiet and she seems very sweet. If I were her, I’d be terrified. 

On top of new placement things, today is filled with appointments for the Daytime Emmy Nominee. She found out in December that when you pick a fight with a cinder block wall, that the cinder block wins. Orthopedic surgeon visit on the docket. Cast. Surgery. Split removal. I guess we find out today. 

Hubby installed a new fingerprint lock on my closet. Sticky fingers seem to have paid my safe a visit, so there’s that. This one is much fancier than it’s counterpart and lets me remotely unlock it from my phone. Good news for hubby because he keeps his favorite snack stash hidden in there. Bad news for hubby is that he accidentally left a dog locked in the closet during the install. I came home to find said puppy having the time of his life, covered in rice cake and cracker crumbs. Hubby swears he didn’t lock him in there, but unless that dog is super talented, got himself out of his crate and locked his furry friends up, he was locked in by hubby. If he IS that talented, someone needs to get that dog an agent. 

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