
And then there was one.

This morning I got up to find a full dishwasher and full sink, because I’m one of the few that know how to use the dishwasher and… one lone salad fork on the counter. I told Hubby that I’m not sure if it’s presence there was a cry for help or a declaration of sheer will to survive. Either way, I put it in the dishwasher. Fingers crossed our paths meet again. 

Yesterday was a super crabby day for one of my sweet little princesses. Good news for me, seems she’s going for consistency, because she woke up the same barrel of happiness that she ended with yesterday. Note to disgruntled teenage girls everywhere: When you walk away muttering about how terrible I am that I am making you put your laundry away… I CAN STILL HEAR YOU. Have the decency to roll your eyes silently as you walk away. This disgruntled seems to be contagious as now dear Hubby has switched from excited 16 year old boy/race car driver, making his wife scream on the ride home from Starbucks, to his best rendition of Mr. Krabs.

On todays agenda, hiding from the crabby people, picking up two from a weekend with their mom, cleaning, working, and some more laundry.  Seems like I am always doing laundry, most of which isn’t even mine.  Where does all this laundry come from and why is it necessary to store all our dirty clothes in our beds until Sunday?  Socks multiply faster than rabbits around here and I don’t understand why the dirty towel to dirty pants ratio is always so disproportionate.  In theory, aren’t you clean when you get out of the shower? Do you really need not only a fresh towel each time you shower, but a fresh one for your hair and another for your body and one more for the floor? I have so many laundry related questions.  I’ve tried the mom on strike method to get them to do their own and put it away.  It doesn’t work.  It does however make my skin crawl to see the giant pile of kid clothes taking over the laundry room. I struggle with mess, and yet here I am, living in a house with a herd of humans and a second herd of animals.  It is a wonder I’m not the cranky one here today.  It is also a wonder that I don’t drink.


  • Sonyia

    I’ve always wondered why you don’t drink. Starbs is not nearly strong enough!

    Go back in laundry strike! I promise it will not harm you!! K6 has been consistently not doing his laundry until he is out of clean pants. He’s been wearing dirty underwear (at least he’s wearing some?) And dirty socks. His clean laundry is not folded. HE is the one going to school in stinky clothes and dealing with mean middle school boys, not me. I hear most middle school boys are like this though, not just mine. I promise you it does eventually pay off. Here is how I know. K3 is a complete laundry slob still, at age 18. BUT the other day I saw she had a clean basket and I had a few quiet moments in the morning so I folded it for her. When she saw it, I got a smile, kiss, thank you. AND a hug!! This is huge to get from her!

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