• Everyday,  Trauma Parenting

    ho ho ho.

    It is no big secret that I am not a big Christmas fan. It is the gift thing. I like the giving of gifts part, it is the being on the receiving end that I can’t handle. The pressure to…

  • Everyday,  Trauma Parenting,  Uncategorized

    how old am I?

    I had an interesting conversation with Mr. Gatsby last night about chronological age versus biological, or emotional age. I try often to attempt to help others around me understand trauma and the changes it makes to the body. I feel…

  • Uncategorized

    voted off the island.

    Today’s earth shattering news – the spoons have started multiplying again and what was 4 spoons, has now become 6. Secondly, there is still a ridiculous amount of laundry here. Finally, and most shocking of all, I’m still on cohorts…

  • Everyday,  Trauma Parenting

    the lightbulb is missing.

    I say several things at least 2-3 times a month that I find are applicable to many real life situations. First, stop looking for logic where there is none. This applies to most arguments with teenagers and/or hysterical people, along…

  • Everyday,  School,  Trauma Parenting


    Monday. It’s my favorite day of the week. Started out great. House was quiet, baked a pie, prepped dinner, did some laundry. The biggest problem before noon was a broken Christmas tree bulb. Sweet! I’ll take it.  As I’m curling…

  • Everyday,  Trauma Parenting,  Travel

    my limits.

    I try not to make decisions when I’m angry. It’s a work in progress. Sometimes I’m good at it, sometimes not so much. Hubby is pretty aware that he’s not great at it either, so he tells me to wait…

  • Everyday,  Trauma Parenting,  Travel


    We’ve made it to Thanksgiving. I’m not cooking, I haven’t cooked for Thanksgiving in several years. Instead, I place an order at BJ’s Catering and let them handle the job! So later this afternoon hubby and I will be heating…