• Everyday

    Hello, Instacart.

    Most of the things in my life, show up on my porch in Amazon boxes, delivered by my favorite dude in the brown uniform. Salad forks, are included in that list of things. For all of you that have asked,…

  • Everyday,  Trauma Parenting


    First, I love Zoom Court. Macomb County and Wayne County are still doing juvenile court via Zoom. If you gotta appear, Zoom is for sure the way to go. In person court is a crap shoot on time, which in…

  • Everyday,  Trauma Parenting

    Natural Consequences

    I’ve said this before, but I have learned so very much about parenting in the last handful of years. The biggest lesson, “Natural Consequences. Let them happen.” I used to put forth a lot of energy trying to save kids…

  • Everyday,  School,  Trauma Parenting,  Travel

    As suspected.

    Finally have permission to enroll the newest household member and the district is giving me a hard time. I’m shocked. Not.  No. I don’t have an immunization record. No. I don’t have a birth certificate.  Nope. Nope. Nope. I don’t…

  • Everyday,  Trauma Parenting

    Laundry Strike

    Had two placements return home to their parent this week. I am always happy for their family when reunification is possible. At the same time, I’m two short at the dinner table, and the empty seats sting for a bit. …

  • Everyday,  Trauma Parenting

    I want my Mommy!

    I’ve come to realize that any quiet and assuming moment I happen to have in my life should really just be looked at as a warning. Went to bed last night, pleased with the way the day ended. It was…

  • Everyday,  Trauma Parenting

    The pleasure was all mine.

    I’m pleased to report that dinner out was mostly a drama free event. Battles for attention, causing the occasional, “Hey so and so, dial it down a notch,” happened, but no legitimate meltdowns. We saved those for the day after. …

  • Everyday,  Trauma Parenting


    So if you’ve been following along, I have several updates. First, only two salad forks remain. They seem to be holding their own in the drawer as they’ve managed to stick around all week. Good news for the forks, and…