Where did I leave my glasses?
When you want something from the closet and it is locked, you have to ask for help. Problem occurs when you aren’t really speaking to the person you have to ask to help, but you really want what happens to…
The kitchen really is the most dangerous room in the house.
Why are girls so mean to each other? I have never understood why they have this need to attack each other at any given moment. One minute they are all buddy buddy, painting each others nails. The next minute, I…
I want my Mommy!
I’ve come to realize that any quiet and assuming moment I happen to have in my life should really just be looked at as a warning. Went to bed last night, pleased with the way the day ended. It was…
Who pee’d in his Cheerios?
In todays edition of crap I can’t make up. 4:30am. Hubby locks himself out of the closet. 6:30am. I drive to Port Huron High School. 9:30am. I drive to L’Anse Creuse High School. 10:00am. Client at work. I survive all…
You have a phone call.
In child welfare there is such a thing as the “Safety Plan.” It really is just a piece of paper that the youth in care signs, along with the caregiver. It says, yeah we all know what I did, I’m…
I’ll take a knuckle sandwich on baguette, please.
Picture it. Sicily 1922. (I’m kidding and most of you likely don’t have any idea where that came from and why I’m laughing right now.) As I’m standing in the living room, holding a vacuum to suck up sawdust, (yes,…
My very wise, long time friend, Sonyia, sent me a message upon my return home from vacation, a.k.a., The Land of Snow. The message, “How was re-entry?” I don’t think anyone else I know, at least know well, understands the…