the hairstylist.
In today’s episode of “shit I can’t make up” I give you an introduction to a kiddo that has actually been with me all school year. I’m calling her Gobo. The GenX crowd that grew up with Fraggle Rock all…
no judgement zone.
It should not be this hard for me to say this. It’s actually taken me three days of back and forth to work up the nerve to address it. I’m lucky enough to have services at CMH. Part of those…
14 days
As per usual, it is never a dull moment in this house. We have had issues at school, which led to in school suspensions, (which might have been the only form of discipline that actually made a point with this…
trauma travelers.
After 20 hours driving to Florida, in a rental truck that smells like pot, that we ended up sleeping in because turns out no one booked us a hotel room, I thought I was tired. That was last week on…
girls just wanna have fun.
Mr. Gatsby is a few days in on his parenting adventures and role as leader of the household government. The first day with just three teenage female occupants left him “flabbergasted.” His words, not mine. Sassy Britches typically only makes…
get her a banana. stat.
I basically had the worst Monday to take place on a Tuesday, ever. (It is Tuesday, right?) Seriously. Terrible. I spent my day cleaning up a monster mess. Thankfully I’m not a really emotional person, but I will for sure…
clean eating.
I’ll be honest, I was thrilled to get to Monday. I realize most people find Mondays less than exciting, but here, Monday usually equals peace. I always welcome peace with open arms and a bag of sour patch kids to…
my limits.
I try not to make decisions when I’m angry. It’s a work in progress. Sometimes I’m good at it, sometimes not so much. Hubby is mostly aware that he’s not great at it either, so he tells me to wait…
Monday. It’s my favorite day of the week. Started out great. House was quiet, baked a pie, prepped dinner, did some laundry. The biggest problem before noon was a broken Christmas tree bulb. Sweet! I’ll take it. As I’m curling…
my limits.
I try not to make decisions when I’m angry. It’s a work in progress. Sometimes I’m good at it, sometimes not so much. Hubby is pretty aware that he’s not great at it either, so he tells me to wait…