• Everyday

    Who pee’d in his Cheerios?

    In todays edition of crap I can’t make up.  4:30am. Hubby locks himself out of the closet.  6:30am. I drive to Port Huron High School.  9:30am. I drive to L’Anse Creuse High School.  10:00am. Client at work.  I survive all…

  • Everyday,  Trauma Parenting

    My dog is Houdini

    No one barfed on anyone last night, I didn’t run across any vapes hidden in the house in the last 24 hours, and it’s finally Friday! I’ll call that a win. (The bar is low here.) We had an emergency…

  • Everyday

    My Sweet Sassy Britches

    “Fancy” dinner out. We do this once a year for a special occasion. Every year. It always requires a conversation. I’m not sure why wardrobe is such a problem here, especially with a years worth of advance warning.  I’m nearly about…

  • Everyday

    The Tale of Five Salad Forks

    I have dishes and flatware service for a literal army of people. I am down to 5 salad forks. At least 90% of the people in my house don’t know, or even care, what a salad fork is. (Incorrect utensil…

  • Trauma Parenting


    My very wise, long time friend, Sonyia, sent me a message upon my return home from vacation, a.k.a., The Land of Snow. The message, “How was re-entry?” I don’t think anyone else I know, at least know well, understands the…

  • Introductions

    New Here?

    There are currently seven kids living in our home and two living out on their own. This blog came about after some encouragement from both my husband and a group of friends, whom I guess find me entertaining. Maybe it…