The right fighter.
I love a little conflict with breakfast. It’s why Bestie gives me all the angry emotional jobs at the office. The ones that have potential to turn aggressive are the ones I get nominated for. The fact that she feeds…
Mr Gatsby and the third flood of 2023.
We live in the 150 year flood plain. When we had the elevation survey, I thought I was always going to be more concerned about the depths of water outside of the house. Little did I know, water and this…
AWOL comes in waves.
After days of looking, my wandering/awol friend has turned up in Detroit. He was located somewhere near the 9th precinct, which, as it’s been explained to me, is someplace I don’t want to be. How did they find him? I’m…
Going out for some air
If you haven’t noticed, Michigan needs more foster homes. Not only is there a need for foster homes, there is an even greater need for foster homes that will accept teenagers. I know what you’re thinking… Holy crap, your life…
The bare minimum
I do a lot in a day. I struggle with sleep, and it is fair to say I’m most often in a constant state of tired. Why? Because I do things for pretty much everyone but myself, and just doing…
I’m still learning.
Like most of us, I spent plenty of time in Middle School and High School worried about what other people thought of me and questioning my value and ability. At least I think thats what happens to most people. If…
COVID Unicorn no more.
MCGC State Finals weekend, from now on better known as the gift that kept giving. Being I had such a memorable time with all my obedient children in Saginaw, (see my last post), it’s only fitting to finish that out…
Room service
This last weekend was a busy one. I had to work and three of the estrogen monsters had state finals for Winterguard. Of course state finals has to be in Saginaw, it also is an all day affair with the…
A small female army.
While I am out of town with the Princess and Mr. Gatsby, dear Hubby is holding down the fort. It’s him and a small army of teenage girls. He is not really equipped for that but does it anyway just…
Is this an emergency?
Let me preface all this with a thank you for all the calls, texts and Facebook messages of concern for my sarcastic absence. Today is the first day since last Friday that I’ve had everyone actually at school and no…