the hairstylist.
In today’s episode of “shit I can’t make up” I give you an introduction to a kiddo that has actually been with me all school year. I’m calling her Gobo. The GenX crowd that grew up with Fraggle Rock all…
signature scent.
Perfume…I don’t know if this is a problem in the homes of every other parent I know, or I’m just lucky. I’m voting lucky, because, well that seems to be typical around here. For those that missed it, I mean…
welcome back
I’m going to preface this with a notice to the Barbie Lawyer! This has not been proofread. I’m tired. I’m slightly aggravated. Don’t harass me. As a side note, I also miss you. Yesterday ended at 11:45pm with a screaming…
no judgement zone.
It should not be this hard for me to say this. It’s actually taken me three days of back and forth to work up the nerve to address it. I’m lucky enough to have services at CMH. Part of those…
my best interests.
The guilt trip meeting took place. I only cried for a minute out of the 45 minute meeting. In that moment I also realized there are no tissues left at work. (So far, it has been that kinda day.) Anyway,…
the guilt trip.
Anytime you have to have a placement moved, (which no one ever really wants to have to do), the state requires a “team decision meeting” to discuss the move. The entire point of this meeting is to discuss what can…
****delayed post**** Hubby and I should pull into our driveway around midnight, if we get lucky. It was 10pm, but with each stop for fuel, it gets bumped out a little more. I have to be careful not to ask…
trauma travelers.
After 20 hours driving to Florida, in a rental truck that smells like pot, that we ended up sleeping in because turns out no one booked us a hotel room, I thought I was tired. That was last week on…
girls just wanna have fun.
Mr. Gatsby is a few days in on his parenting adventures and role as leader of the household government. The first day with just three teenage female occupants left him “flabbergasted.” His words, not mine. Sassy Britches typically only makes…
clean eating.
I’ll be honest, I was thrilled to get to Monday. I realize most people find Mondays less than exciting, but here, Monday usually equals peace. I always welcome peace with open arms and a bag of sour patch kids to…