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    even on your very best day.

    My dearest teenager, There is something you should know about me, and I’m going to give you the benefit of hearing this now, before you do something dumb. Even on your very best day, when you think you’re super sneaky…

  • Everyday,  Trauma Parenting,  Uncategorized

    how old am I?

    I had an interesting conversation with Mr. Gatsby last night about chronological age versus biological, or emotional age. I try often to attempt to help others around me understand trauma and the changes it makes to the body. I feel…

  • Uncategorized

    voted off the island.

    Today’s earth shattering news – the spoons have started multiplying again and what was 4 spoons, has now become 6. Secondly, there is still a ridiculous amount of laundry here. Finally, and most shocking of all, I’m still on cohorts…