the hairstylist.
In today’s episode of “shit I can’t make up” I give you an introduction to a kiddo that has actually been with me all school year. I’m calling her Gobo. The GenX crowd that grew up with Fraggle Rock all…
it’s been awhile.
So much has gone on in the last few months that I don’t even know where to start. I’ve always said that I don’t do well with change. I’m thinking I’ve either grown out of it or just found a…
the captive.
It has become painfully obvious to me that the foster care journey I chose for myself, has made me a prisoner in my house. I’m 45 years old, I know, you’re shocked. (No one is more shocked than I am,…
storm warning.
Earlier this month, Princess had her first recital. I had been asking for a date for months. She didn’t tell me about it until right after it was over. Why? Because she wasn’t sure it was going to go well.…
****delayed post**** Hubby and I should pull into our driveway around midnight, if we get lucky. It was 10pm, but with each stop for fuel, it gets bumped out a little more. I have to be careful not to ask…
trauma travelers.
After 20 hours driving to Florida, in a rental truck that smells like pot, that we ended up sleeping in because turns out no one booked us a hotel room, I thought I was tired. That was last week on…
girls just wanna have fun.
Mr. Gatsby is a few days in on his parenting adventures and role as leader of the household government. The first day with just three teenage female occupants left him “flabbergasted.” His words, not mine. Sassy Britches typically only makes…
fearless leader.
To know Mr. Gatsby is, well, an adventure. I was still working as a system administrator when I was pregnant with him. The building had a Freon leak at one point and they sent me home until it was resolved.…
get her a banana. stat.
I basically had the worst Monday to take place on a Tuesday, ever. (It is Tuesday, right?) Seriously. Terrible. I spent my day cleaning up a monster mess. Thankfully I’m not a really emotional person, but I will for sure…
re-entry and recovery.
I am beyond grateful to have been chosen for a scholarship to attend this years, Kevin’s Song: Conference on Suicide. Having been directly touched by the suicide of someone close to me, I’m fairly passionate about mental health and suicide…