Trauma Parenting
So if you’ve been following along, I have several updates. First, only two salad forks remain. They seem to be holding their own in the drawer as they’ve managed to stick around all week. Good news for the forks, and…
The suspension flowchart.
What are the rules for suspension? Hubby and I have had this conversation a handful of times now. With an entire village living under one roof, it becomes very easy to see when consequences aren’t applied equally across the board.…
My dog is Houdini
No one barfed on anyone last night, I didn’t run across any vapes hidden in the house in the last 24 hours, and it’s finally Friday! I’ll call that a win. (The bar is low here.) We had an emergency…
Four strikes, you’re out!
Ever hop in the shower only to realize you forgot to grab a towel? It happens. Ever get yourself locked out of your own linen closet while frantically trying to rectify that problem? No? Just my house? Thought so. With…
You have a phone call.
In child welfare there is such a thing as the “Safety Plan.” It really is just a piece of paper that the youth in care signs, along with the caregiver. It says, yeah we all know what I did, I’m…
Revenge is best served in a sauna.
I came home from work today to find people dressed in tshirts and shorts while sitting in the living room. Then I realized, holy cow, it’s a sweat box in here! I head to the nearest thermostat to check. It…
My very wise, long time friend, Sonyia, sent me a message upon my return home from vacation, a.k.a., The Land of Snow. The message, “How was re-entry?” I don’t think anyone else I know, at least know well, understands the…