Where did I leave my glasses?
When you want something from the closet and it is locked, you have to ask for help. Problem occurs when you aren’t really speaking to the person you have to ask to help, but you really want what happens to…
Silverware reproduction.
A strange thing happened here in the last week. I mean a strange thing happens here almost daily, but this one is beyond any “reasonable” explanation I can come up with. Hubby, while emptying the dishwasher, informed me that we…
Ummm, what?
Each day this week, I have reached out to school, asking for the status on the escort system that Daytime Emmy Nominee is supposed to have in place, per her IEP. That escort is to ESCORT her from class to…
Death by closet.
I’m so glad to be home and surrounded by what’s familiar. Things like finding two salad forks under a pile of laundry, and nearly being swallowed alive by an avalanche of stuff shoved into the closet. Glass half full: I’ve…
First world problems.
Sitting on a plane, headed for home. Princess was again asked if she was old enough to be sitting in the exit row. Security made it a point to inform her that 12 and under didn’t need to remove their…
Hello, Instacart.
Most of the things in my life, show up on my porch in Amazon boxes, delivered by my favorite dude in the brown uniform. Salad forks, are included in that list of things. For all of you that have asked,…
First, I love Zoom Court. Macomb County and Wayne County are still doing juvenile court via Zoom. If you gotta appear, Zoom is for sure the way to go. In person court is a crap shoot on time, which in…
Natural Consequences
I’ve said this before, but I have learned so very much about parenting in the last handful of years. The biggest lesson, “Natural Consequences. Let them happen.” I used to put forth a lot of energy trying to save kids…
The sounds of silence.
The day started with Sassy Britches missing the bus. It sure looked like an intentional miss if you ask me. (Cameras all over my house.) She must really have a strong distaste for second hour. Chemistry isn’t really my fav…
As suspected.
Finally have permission to enroll the newest household member and the district is giving me a hard time. I’m shocked. Not. No. I don’t have an immunization record. No. I don’t have a birth certificate. Nope. Nope. Nope. I don’t…