
  • Everyday

    the covid.

    First, I’m going to plant this right here: You know what changes in the house when mom gets “the Covid?” Nothing. Nothing changes in the house.  There, I’ve said it. All the women in the crowd have just nodded their heads…

  • Everyday,  Holidays,  Trauma Parenting

    deja vu.

    I don’t know how many people remember the young man that was with us briefly over the summer. The same young man that took off out a window. I have thought about him often since then.  Earlier this month a…

  • Everyday,  Holidays,  Trauma Parenting

    my limits.

    I try not to make decisions when I’m angry. It’s a work in progress. Sometimes I’m good at it, sometimes not so much. Hubby is mostly aware that he’s not great at it either, so he tells me to wait…

  • Everyday,  Trauma Parenting

    peace on earth.

    It’s Christmas Eve. I may have forgotten if it had not been for the cops on my porch this morning who so kindly reminded me that, “everyone wants to be with their family today.” Ahhh, yes, that’s what I hear. …

  • Everyday

    everything comes out in the wash.

    As we have already established, I do an insane amount of laundry. I do that same amount of laundry on regular days, let alone bed stripping days. It’s a lot. I skipped some days this week as hubby is on…

  • Everyday,  School

    to squat or not to squat.

    There are a lot of people up in this house. Right now, the human occupant count is 11. (12 if you count that kid, Not Me.) I have everyday, matching, dining service for at least 20 people. It was once…

  • Everyday,  Trauma Parenting

    ho ho ho.

    It is no big secret that I am not a big Christmas fan. It is the gift thing. I like the giving of gifts part, it is the being on the receiving end that I can’t handle. The pressure to…