• Everyday,  Trauma Parenting


    So if you’ve been following along, I have several updates. First, only two salad forks remain. They seem to be holding their own in the drawer as they’ve managed to stick around all week. Good news for the forks, and…

  • Everyday

    Who pee’d in his Cheerios?

    In todays edition of crap I can’t make up.  4:30am. Hubby locks himself out of the closet.  6:30am. I drive to Port Huron High School.  9:30am. I drive to L’Anse Creuse High School.  10:00am. Client at work.  I survive all…

  • Everyday,  Trauma Parenting

    My dog is Houdini

    No one barfed on anyone last night, I didn’t run across any vapes hidden in the house in the last 24 hours, and it’s finally Friday! I’ll call that a win. (The bar is low here.) We had an emergency…

  • Everyday


    Started my day at 1am with that unmistakable sound of imminent dog barf. Dog barf that I was too late to intercept until hurl round two. I’m fumbling around in the dark trying to capture a now panicked miniature weiner…

  • Everyday

    Alexa, let there be frost!!!

    Came home last week to complaints from two of the teenage household occupants that they were “freezing.” I always tell them to dress for the weather, again, clothes, such a battle. Meanwhile it’s snowing and I ask them to wear…