Everyday,  Trauma Parenting,  Travel

it’s been awhile.

So much has gone on in the last few months that I don’t even know where to start. I’ve always said that I don’t do well with change. I’m thinking I’ve either grown out of it or just found a way to adjust. The Maestro reminded me recently that I have managed to adapt to all sorts of change in my life on a very regular basis and I’ve handled it just fine. There has been A LOT of change and it seems I haven’t been giving myself enough credit for that. I’m still here, I’m not in jail for anything, and I’m as close to crazy as one gets without actually being crazy. *pats self on back*

Daytime Emmy Nominee doesn’t live with us anymore. Parts of me are relieved and parts of me just want to scoop her up from where she is now, (Detroit, in a spot that I’d probably be terrified to be), and bring her home. If it were just me in the house, I’d do just that. It isn’t and I can’t make it work for her here, even with as much as I want to. She still calls me mom and I still see her often. She knows she has me to call should she need me. That is the best I can do for her right now. 

OG Daytime Emmy Nominee has gotten herself an apartment. I’m proud of her. She has her ups and downs, just like the rest of us, but I’m pleased to say, at least for now, she is thriving. I wish her bio mom and dad could see and appreciate how far she has come. I also hope they each wake up everyday and realize how much harder they made life for her. I doubt that’s the case, but it should be.

We’ve had a few placements depart and several come in. We have also had what is probably one of the only drama free trips up north that we have had in years. I can’t even tell you the last time that re-entry into every day life didn’t suck. Lol

Anyway, I was encouraged to post here by one of the kiddos that missed reading this. 🙂

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