****delayed post****
Hubby and I should pull into our driveway around midnight, if we get lucky. It was 10pm, but with each stop for fuel, it gets bumped out a little more. I have to be careful not to ask for too many restroom stops or he will cut me off from fluids until we get home. So far I’ve been able to time it with fuel stops. He does not appreciate my very nervous bladder paired with how quickly I can polish off a Venti sized anything from Starbucks.
I am a bit concerned as to the condition my house is in right now. I’m also moderately concerned that Mr. Gatsby has been overpowered by the estrogen monsters. I keep envisioning finding him tied to a chair in the crawl space. I have not had any voice interaction with for a couple days and for all I know, one of them is impersonating him via text message.
Princess has a long time buddy that we’ve come to love as one of our tribe. For purposes here, I’m referring to her as the Military Wife. She will know who she is. 🙂 I sent her a text yesterday to ask how the household government was running. She told me that Mr. Gatsby was doing a good job and that all the girls in the house were listening to him. Strange and mostly unexpected, but ok. Moments later I get a message from Princess that tells me Mr. Gatsby has been trying to tell all the girls what to do and they aren’t listening. If we do come home to him tied up in the crawlspace, I guess we will know who had the more accurate description.
Things I have learned today:
-I miss my bed
-My ears don’t appreciate the mountain ride through Tennessee.
-It is really hard to find gas stations with diesel in Georgia.
-My ears are also not all that thrilled with Kentucky.
-I miss my bed.

trauma travelers.

storm warning.
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