girls just wanna have fun.
Mr. Gatsby is a few days in on his parenting adventures and role as leader of the household government. The first day with just three teenage female occupants left him “flabbergasted.” His words, not mine.
Sassy Britches typically only makes one request and that’s to see her boyfriend. Most of the time, like 95%, I don’t care and off she goes. I wish she had a bigger circle of people, but, outside of encouraging that, there is nothing more to do. Anyway, Mr. Gatsby has assigned them chores. They don’t typically have chores as I act as the household Cinderella, and don’t expect much of them. Some days I ask them to find something to do to be helpful. I also expect them to clean their rooms. I get partial compliance, so if I can attach cleaning your room to going out to visit your boyfriend, (or “lover” as Mr. Gatsby calls it), I take advantage of that.
Part of Mr. Gatsby’s problem is that he was raised by me and has basically similar expectations to mine. He told Sassy Britches to complete her chores, let him know so he could inspect and then she could go see the “lover.” Well, because she’s Sassy Britches and a teenage girl, she got up at the ass crack of dawn, “completed” her chores and took off. Mr. Gatsby woke to a 6:20 am text to let him know she had left. I get a text in Florida at breakfast asking for the other parent phone number so Mr. Gatsby can make contact. I asked what went down and only got a message that it had been handled. He is likely going to require therapy when we return from this trip.
Sassy Britches is absolutely incapable of knowing when to stop talking. Being called out on the sneakiness enraged her and she certainly had no trouble expressing that. Obviously, while I’m in Florida and she is in Michigan, it is about me and how she doesn’t get to go anywhere. Sassy Britches reminded Mr. Gatsby that he is clearly my kid. I was not mom in that moment but instead referred to by first name. I suppose I should be flattered that she didn’t come up with some other nickname for me that was derogatory. Then I’d be angry on top of hurt. Glass half full.
Mr. Gatsby, in his state of shock, told me he didn’t expect a problem with Sassy Britches. lol. He had underestimated her and lives blissfully unaware of all the things I deal with from each of them. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t just a tiny bit pleased to hear he got a bit of an awaking.

fearless leader.

trauma travelers.
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