clean eating.
I’ll be honest, I was thrilled to get to Monday. I realize most people find Mondays less than exciting, but here, Monday usually equals peace. I always welcome peace with open arms and a bag of sour patch kids to celebrate.
Sunday was, well, loud. I can’t explain what exactly it is about starting your day with screaming, but it sure sets the tone for the day if you let it. It’s a lot like being startled awake by an air horn. (Yes, I can speak from experience on that.) Sundays air horn is named Daytime Emmy Nominee. She was mid conflict with Sassy Britches, which is a somewhat regular occurrence. So she came bounding up the steps hollering about how she “didn’t have to take this.” I wonder what that’s like? I mean I’m basically always dealing with/taking “this/it”. Is there a place to solicit volunteers to do the “taking it” part? I’d like to take advantage of one of my earned vacation days. No?
Anyway, turns out that Daytime Emmy Nominee was just trying to get herself ready for an event. Sassy Britches decided to toss herself into the mix to make sure her things were not being touched. Seriously. Unfortunately, thanks to trauma brain, there is a lot of struggle to get one’s emotional age and chronological age to meet. So while in most households, a spat over a toy between toddlers starts with some crying, in my house it starts with four letter words and threats of violence. Sassy Britches struggles with learning when to mind her business and when to stop talking. Daytime Emmy Nominee thinks she is a 4 foot, 11 inch, 100 pound, ninja warrior. The two are a winning combination in this moment, I assure you.
I was summoned into the dispute, and I’ll be honest, it took me a few minutes to even realize why there was screaming. Turns out we were screaming over hair gel. Go figure. Thankfully, I got everyone involved to agree to table the disagreement until a more suitable time. Ahhh. Silence.
Being I’m up, I figure I might as well toss in a load of laundry. I’m always doing laundry. Seriously. Detroit Edison charges peak energy rates between 2-7pm during the week. While I’m sure this makes a minimal difference to most households, it’s a big difference in mine. Once 2pm hits, laundry gets pushed to 7pm. Because of this, I usually even run a load overnight, which I had on this particular day. There I was, moving clothes to the dryer, and I get to the last article of clothing only to find some celery sticks and several cubes of cheese. Oddly enough, I’ve reached a point in life where most of me doesn’t even find this kind of thing strange. I’m more concerned that the cheese cubes look the same before and after a full load of wash. Mental note to remove those from the shopping list.

re-entry and recovery.

get her a banana. stat.
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