the covid.
First, I’m going to plant this right here:
You know what changes in the house when mom gets “the Covid?” Nothing. Nothing changes in the house. There, I’ve said it. All the women in the crowd have just nodded their heads in agreement.
I have nursed a house full of sick people through Covid. I have delivered balanced meals, three times a day, to closed doors, on disposable dishes. I’ve bleached all high touch surfaces multiple times a day. I’ve run ozone lamp’s throughout the house, also multiple times a day. While I am not AT ALL the most sympathetic human, my caregiving skills are top notch. If you asked my very blonde, TikTok, Lawyer friend, she’d tell you how great the sick people in my house have it. (I have yet to come up with a good name for her, and right now “the Covid” has sucked all the clever right out of me.) Me on the other hand, in the role of sick person, well, it looks just like me in the role of everyday, not sick person. Crazy, I know.
Wednesday I went to work, did my thing, and half ass mopped a layer of salt off the floor. (I detest this time of year, primarily because of the salt residue.) When leaving work, met up with the hubby and said, “I feel like I might have some kind of respiratory ailment.” Ha ha. About 6 hours later I found myself looking at a second pink line on a Covid test. Because I’m nothing if not particularly thorough, I tested two more times, you know, to be sure. Yup. I’m sure.
On top of being thorough, I’m also a fixer, which I’m sure we have established here before. When I say I am a fixer, I am the, OMG handle it right now, breed of fixer. So, as I inspected my positive Covid tests with the flashlight on my phone my first thought was, antivirals. I need antivirals. Being near everything in my house at this point comes from either Temu, Starbucks, or Amazon, it’s clear what I need to do. Hello Amazon Clinic. After a few questions answered online, $35.00, and a few hours, I have antiviral medication in hand. Amazon Prime has most certainly taken over the world.
It’s no surprise that the number of calls from the school does not at all decrease when I’m sick. I am however relieved that I can use the, “Sorry, I can’t come in, I have COVID.” No one, living outside of my house, wants anything to do with Covid me. That excuse does not work on the household occupants. First comment off the bus, “what’s for dinner?”
Wednesday night was awful. Thursday daytime wasn’t great and nighttime was terrible. Friday was not so bad and the same could be said for Saturday. Then Sunday evening arrived and I swear the Covid ickies started all over again. Monday I felt pretty good, although even more tired than usual. Which is saying a lot because I didn’t even think that was possible. I am also now testing negative. Very thankful for antivirals, indeed.

the night shift locusts.

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