but I didn’t use that towel.
I do more than my fair share of laundry. If I’m being honest, I very often do more than my fair share of just about everything. (Hello, adulting.)
Anyway, the one thing I don’t often do, is put away and fold laundry that doesn’t belong on “my” floor of the house. I sort as it is coming out of the dryer, removing that of Mr. Gatsby, Hubby and myself. The rest I just call “girl clothes” and leave it at that. I can’t ever tell which little darling is the owner of which napkin masquerading as a shirt, so I have given up on that sorting job. I have my own towels, as does Mr. Gatsby, so those end up in the correct pile. I then, quite literally, toss each pile in the direction of its owners. Girls end up on the couch and I just crack Mr. Gatsbys door and toss it in at a safe distance. From there, I expect it gets put away. I know that if I had someone washing all my clothes and I was only expected to put it away, I’d be pretty happy and a lot less tired. I also might have more time for, I dunno, things like eating lunch, or drinking, which I’m starting to think I might be missing out on.
After the “girl clothes” end up clean and on the couch, I call for girls to come collect their belongs. Sometimes it takes three calls, and other times it takes 42. Often those 42 calls to put away clothes span across multiple days. One never knows. What is always consistent, is that there is laundry left behind. Always. I can’t even begin to tell how many random socks I have thrown out, or the pants and shirts I have donated, because somehow I wash an awful amount of clothes that belong to no one that actually lives here. As I write this, there have been two sweatshirts, one sock and a pair of underwear, sitting on the couch for 1.5 weeks. Who they belong to, I have no idea, and oddly, neither does anyone else.
Problem number two, and likely the concept that I struggle with the most is the, “I didn’t use that towel so I am not putting it away.” I’m sorry, come again? The logic that you only use two towels per shower, (don’t get me started on that), so you should only have to put away those two towels just makes me nuts. To me, the towels are the easiest part, and why the heck wouldn’t you just want to help out. I mean, I’m doing every other part of, basically life, for you.
At this point, I am considering getting each girl their own colored towels also. If they can’t make it to the dirty clothes to be washed or they don’t get put away, thats on them. They can always dry off with one of those napkins they call shirts.

voted off the island.

how old am I?
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