cell phones don’t float.
The double bed sleeping was a big fat fail. Most likely, because I’m a spoiled process with a very nice king size mattress at home. Hubby fell out of the bed once and spent the rest of the night involved in what I think might have been a physical dispute with… himself. About 3am I gave up, and crawled over to the twin bed in the room. For the rest of this trip our bedroom sleeping arrangements will be scene straight out of I Love Lucy from 1951.
In true Thanksgiving vacation fashion, we spent the day doing pretty much nothing. Doing nothing every so often is pretty fantastic! I’ve even managed to go an entire day without making my bed. If you know me, you know that’s pretty big. Sassy Britches slept. Then she slept some more, had a snack, and went back to sleep.
One of our most recent placements, the Sneaky Sweet Tooth, has basically spent the entire trip on her phone. Totally don’t care if she’s on the phone, until it becomes a conversation I’m unwillingly part of. Why on Earth we need to walk around, on speaker, with our phone cameras on ALL DAY, I have no idea. I have a reasonable expectation to privacy in my space, which is apparently a lot to ask in a house full of teenage girls. I’m told that keeping the phone line active all day via a video call is a simulation of living with their significant other. If that’s the case, I have a house FULL of girls that are in for a very rude awakening. Ha. Mr. Gatsby spends his time walking around ending Sneaky Sweet Tooth’s calls when she leaves the phone unattended. He is both funny and obnoxious, and typically barely tolerated by the female herd.
Basically the only other thing going on here are visits to the hot tub. Which creates the dispute over cell phones NOT being hot tub friendly. This is especially difficult for Sneaky Sweet Tooth. Long story short, the suggestion of removing the phone led to a full blown tantrum. Of course no tantrum is complete without storming out of the house. Round two. I’d consider hiding in my bed, but it’s not made, and seeing the messy sheets would likely exceed the limitations of my medication.
The AWOL of Sneaky Sweet Tooth requires a call to the agency emergent on call line. Fun times. I report the event and the worker suggests I call the police to create a report number. I suggest that I send the other girls to talk her down first. She’s on Life360, so it’s not like I can’t find her. My suggestion sounds far less stressful.
The girls all head out, chase down Sneaky and make the journey back to the house. Crisis averted and no police are involved. Winning. While the Macomb County Sheriff deputies are very familiar with us, I’m not sure I’m comfortable making that a statewide thing. Although, there is still plenty of time left in the week to make that happen. I should probably stop talking about it and tempting the universe.

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