AWOL comes in waves.
After days of looking, my wandering/awol friend has turned up in Detroit. He was located somewhere near the 9th precinct, which, as it’s been explained to me, is someplace I don’t want to be.
How did they find him? I’m not completely sure. I don’t even know how the heck he got that far. Someone from that precinct is supposed to do a welfare check, offer him the option of being picked up and brought back here, or letting him choose to continue to be AWOL. It has now been a few hours and I’ve heard nothing. I’d assume someone would let me know they’ve laid eyes on him and he’s safe? That said, I feel like I’m one of the few that’s actually concerned. Maybe the others involved are just accustomed to it.
I’ve reached out to him a handful of times with no response. I told Hubby that I’m struggling to understand why this kiddo took off. To which he responded, “There is something out there more important to him.” I guess you go back to what you know? All of his things are still here. I can’t decide if I should wash his dirty clothes and pack up for him or not. :/
Meanwhile, being I’m clearly addicted to the drama that is Daytime Emmy Nominee, she’s run off today. Oh, and she ran off yesterday. Basically at this point, she does what she wants. Sure, she asks for permission first, but she’s not really asking. If the answer is no, she and I both know she’s doing it anyway. The BS is getting rather exhausting for me, and everyone else in the house that is paying any attention. The list of people paying attention is dwindling.
I’ve been asking for extra supports since May 22nd. Today is September 4th and I’m still waiting for those supports. Shes been assigned a new therapist that is less than helpful, or reliable. That’s about as far as things have gone.
The therapist tells me (after three sessions) that the running is something that can’t be helped. I agree that that is *sometimes* true. However, for as dramatic at Daytime Emmy Nominee is, she is equally as intelligent. Intelligent being code for very able to manipulate a situation. She has now turned her choice to remove herself from what she finds “stressful” by taking a walk. The walk just so happens to take her directly to boyfriend’s house. So I say no to the request to go, she has a fit, and off she goes anyway. I’m basically being held hostage. I have two, less than desirable choices.
1: Do what she wants and keep the peace.
2: Present opposition, listen to the screaming, and she ends up where she wants.
Boyfriend’s parents have offered to send her home. Seems pointless to me and sounds like it will result in shit show I don’t feel like participating in. I’ll pass. Then I get a text from her telling me she will return at 3pm and will be staying home. Gee, thanks for letting me know your plans for the day. I’m sure it doesn’t even occur to her that I may have had plans, which she has single handedly threw down the crapper, yet again. Extra supports to help avoid the drama burn out sure would be nice right about now. Thank you Michigan, as always, for your help and concern for our success over here. You’re doing a stellar job. Insert my go to eyeroll here.
Meanwhile, Hubby has no idea she’s gone. I’ve decided it’s just not worth upsetting him. It certainly won’t make any difference to her if Hubby knows. Telling him will just muck up his day. I can’t really find a good reason to bother him with it.
Just now an AWOL update. I just got to positively identify him via a texted photo from police. I’m happy to see his face. However, by the looks of him, it’s been a long few days. Seems he’s ok with the way things are for him out there. I am always going to sad about that.

Going out for some air

The laundry fairy.
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