First it’s Autorama time. The prep for that is intense, and Hubby and Mr. Gatsby are basically hiding in the garage until things are ready. So of course once Autorama prep was in full swing, each kids car, in succession, breaks. Then apparently my stomach decides it hates me and two dogs end up with what seems like sympathy bouts of vomit. Good times over here.
Mr. Gatsby has a collection of vehicles, but only two are daily drivers and one he is in the middle of important maintenance work. Princess had a laundry list of issues and needed tires. OG Drama had some oil consumption issues. So, because I’m a nice guy when I want to be, I gave up my car to Mr. Gatsby. Mr. Gatsby gave up his useable daily driver to Princess and OG Drama has either been getting a ride, borrowing a car, or nursing things along.
Once Monday hit, Autorama was done, the ordering of parts commenced. I’m still without a car, and I am getting the impression that Mr. Gatsby enjoys his commute in my Lincoln. Thankfully, this time of year, I’m perfectly happy to hide out in the house and I’m mostly capable of working from home. Furthermore, given all the excitement with Daytime Emmy Nominee, we don’t leave her unattended for really any amount of time. We also have a new placement, who is not yet in school here, so during the day it’s just her and I mostly. So all in all, no car hasn’t really been a big issue for me.
Princess however would really like her car back. Turns out Mr. Gatsby has an issue with his shifter cable. Issue as in, it randomly comes disconnected. Princess is a musician and not a mechanic. Mr. Gatsby tried to walk her through the repair on the phone once, which I’m sorry I missed, with no luck and eventually went to rescue her. A day or two later, Hubby rescued her again. Poor thing is near traumatized now and waiting for her next breakdown. Hopefully all her parts arrive by tomorrow and the weekend allows for a repaired car.
I have no idea what the status is of the repair to Mr. Gatsby’s “luxury vehicle” from the fleet. I’m assuming his weekend will be devoted to that. Fingers crossed. While Princess has been driving his 1980’s luxury Buick, Mr. Gatsby is enjoying his mornings with butt warmers and modern technology.
So, I’ve spent my days playing mediator between my sweet little prize fighters, and bleaching things. Mediation has hit a standstill as both aren’t speaking to each other unless it’s a four letter outburst. The other day, there was a stream of f-u’s flowing from Daytime Emmy Nominee. Then to further add to her frustration, apparently one of her beauty blenders, (known to people like me as a piece of sponge), disappeared. I told her each time she yelled an obscenity, the beauty blender fairy swooped down and absconded with a beauty blender as potty mouth punishment. In that moment, it was clear that Daytime Emmy Nominee does not find me as entertaining as I do. It’s a shame really, I mean I think I’m hilarious