Everyday,  Trauma Parenting

Lady in red.

Chatty Cathy has been part of our household for around 45 days now. For the first month she was stuck at home, hanging out with me, until we could get her enrolled in school. I’m not that exciting, poor girl. She is however one of the first ones in the house to seek me out, say hello, and just sit with me to tell me all about her day. She even asks about mine in such a way it seems that she is genuinely interested. I figure some of that closeness is because she was trapped with me for a month. Hubby is usually a lot more popular around here than I am, so it’s refreshing to feel like someone likes you. I joke… kinda.

Chatty Cathy has been bounced around a lot of schools, across multiple counties, and yet has still managed to be successful at school. She has also made friends in various places that I admire her for working to maintain. I could not endure half of the things these kid have and manage to handle it without completely shutting down.

She was invited to a formal dance at a High School in a neighboring county by one of those friends. OG Drama helped her get ready, because well, all things girly really fall no where on my list of strengths. OG Drama excels at “beauty tools” and “lady face paints”. My skill set stops at nail polish stickers.

Chatty Cathy looked beautiful. She picked out a red dress that made her feel great. (She came right out and told me she looked great and felt great. I wish I was as confident!!!) OG Drama made her feel like a “totally different person” and she was wearing a smile that was infectious.

OG Drama and I drove Chatty Cathy to the meet up spot, we met her friends, took photos, and sent her on her way. She marched away from us, standing tall and totally comfortable with herself. Unless she was faking it, and if she was, she was doing a very convincing job!

OG Drama and I went to dinner, walked around a near empty mall and killed some time at the local TJ Maxx. I didn’t want to drive all the way back home just to turn around and come back to pick up Chatty Cathy. I also wanted to be close should she feel the need to leave early. She didn’t make a mayday call, and OG Drama and I ran out of things to do, so we sat in the school parking lot for about 2 hours, waiting. Was nice to have the one on one time with her.

Eventually, Chatty Cathy appeared at the car, we drove her friend home and headed on our way. She spent the ride home detailing all the fun she had, what she had for dinner and described every part of the fun she had had. I was happy to be part of it.

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