Ummm, what?
Each day this week, I have reached out to school, asking for the status on the escort system that Daytime Emmy Nominee is supposed to have in place, per her IEP. That escort is to ESCORT her from class to class. We’ve discussed this here before, and it is always perplexing to me how a student can manage to get a tardy or an unexcused absence while being escorted from class to class. There I go trying to make things make sense.
On Wednesday, I’m told that her escort system will be “back to normal” next week. Again, I’m not sure what back to normal is because I know, (I have little spies everywhere), that she doesn’t have and actual escort. She has a para that shows up to class after she does and keeps an eye on her. Again, this accommodation is in her IEP. (Don’t worry, this gets more ridiculous.)
Last semester, she was with me until 11am each day and only did three classes in the building. She wasn’t suspended. She was accounted for. This semester, the social worker at school assures me that they can keep her safe in the building all day, you know, because they have a plan. HA HA. So do I lady, so do I. Daytime Emmy Nominee doesn’t give a rats patootie what your plan is, because she’s got one of her own. Because I have a social worker of my own to answer to, and DHHS, I agree to let her return to school for a full day. I don’t want to be difficult about this and if the school is assuring me they can handle it, I need to give them the chance, right?
Thursday rolls around and I get an alert on my phone that Daytime Emmy Nominee is missing from class. I almost called, and I almost emailed, to ask the school where she was and decided to just let it play out. They were going to respond to tell me they found her and assure me that the escort is in place, because I’m stupid. I decided to save myself the frustration and figured I was going to get a call from my favorite associate principal, whom I’m sure would prefer to not have to deal with me.
Sure enough, phone rings, and it is my favorite guy. He explains that “he has been dealing with Daytime Emmy Nominee” for the last hour. I wanted so badly to respond with, “Good for you. Have fun?” but I bit my tongue. She had been located in the restroom with a ton of other girls and a vape in her hand. A staff member walked into the bathroom, no one noticed, and caught them in the act. I ask what I figure is the obvious question: “Where was the escort?” He says, “Oh she had an escort, she just wasn’t aware the escort was there.” Ummm… what? I know I have a lot going on over here, but I do still have some brain cells firing in that educated brain of mine. How does one have an escort, at the level of being babysat from location to location and not be aware they have one? I’m going to guess that isn’t really how this went. Maybe its me? Again, I bit my tongue. I really hope this guy appreciates that dealing with me could be so much worse, but I’m controlling myself.
Here is it, the best part. At 8am today, the school social worker calls to ask ME if Daytime Emmy Nominee is in school today. HA. No, she’s not at school, she is at home, I’ll add having a fit that I’m getting the brunt of. You suspended her yesterday.
What the actual heck?!?!?!

Death by closet.

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