I want my Mommy!
I’ve come to realize that any quiet and assuming moment I happen to have in my life should really just be looked at as a warning. Went to bed last night, pleased with the way the day ended. It was quiet and just as I started to drift off, my phone rang. Panicked, crying, adult kid, (known from here forward as OG Drama), yelling that she had locked herself, and Cohort, out of the car. It is about 11:00pm. Hubby won’t even resemble anything close to coherent until about 4:30am, so there wasn’t much to be done besides pick them up and deal with it in the morning. Nothing I was saying was bringing the meltdown level any lower, OG Drama had an awful day, wanted what she wanted and wanted it now. I put on my super hero cape, aka, my bathrobe, and mom slippers, and headed out to rescue my little bird that really doesn’t want to fly on her own just yet, but used to really like rubbing it in my face that she was “grown.” Ahhh… life circles and the joy they bring me.
Anyway, I show up, and explained, again, that this really isn’t a big deal to anyone but her. Things could have been so much worse. Her phone could be in there and she could be stuck in some dangerous place with no one to call. Instead, stuck in a safe place, all of a mile from home. All good. Inconvenient, maybe, but nothing that hasn’t happened to an awful lots of us. OG Drama was overwhelmed, I gave up reasoning with her and now Cohort was outraged that the jalapeños she planned to eat were also locked in the car. It was a fun ride home as I explained that now probably wasn’t the time to bring up the $3 concession stand jalapeños, and instead we could focus on less insensitive ways to handle it. You know, because it wasn’t painfully obvious that this was over the top upsetting for someone already, let’s pile on those poor jalapeños. OG Drama argued that she didn’t lock the jalapeños in intentionally. (Holy cow, I miss my bed and what, at this point, I’d consider a beautiful symphony of Hubby’s snoring.) With lots of tears and girls storming out of my car, we made it home and I hoped the light of day would bring forth calm. Wrong.
Morning comes, along with a snowstorm, which I suspect is going to make this process a lot harder than it has to be because I’m certain there are a million other people out on the road now that need more urgent attention. I didn’t wake anyone, because well, I’m not stupid and this is not my first rodeo. Called OG Drama’s boss for her, to let the boss know things had gone south and that I was working on it, but she may be late. Explored my options and decided calling the Police was probably my best bet. OG Drama struggles with Police, and between her PTSD and mine, I knew this was going to be a fun morning. Armed with my plan, I woke her and let her know how this was going down. She wasn’t happy. I wasn’t happy. It is what it is.
Went back to the car, met up with the police, whom of course we both knew. Wednesday – the gift that keeps giving. I think someone at my house was suspended last Wednesday. In this moment, I’d like to go back to last Wednesday. After about 40 minutes, two squad cars and three officers later, the keys were still locked in the car and they gave up. Backup plan was to call a tow truck. Given all the snow, I didn’t have real high hopes for that being successful in any reasonable amount of time. But for the second time in my life ever, I was wrong. About 40 minutes later, the tow truck hero arrived and got into the car in a minute. Best $78.00 I ever spent, and no one was late to work.
Tomorrow, maybe I’ll fill you in on the second half of the day, because when isn’t a girl fight going down in my kitchen worth discussing?
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