So if you’ve been following along, I have several updates. First, only two salad forks remain. They seem to be holding their own in the drawer as they’ve managed to stick around all week. Good news for the forks, and its now given hubby and I more things to discuss when we finally see each other at the end of the day.
Secondly, Sassy Britches and her suspension. I asked her school what the process was to dispute a suspension. Oddly enough, I didn’t get an answer to that, but I did get a phone call. I assume it was an attempt to appease me while avoiding putting anything in writing. I am confident at this point that just seeing my name likely elicits a collective groan from administration. I’m ok with that. Hubby asked if I made them cry. I can confirm there was discomfort, not so sure tears were shed. By the end, I was offered a reversal of the suspension given certain conditions be met. I told him I’d have to think about it and get back with him. I have ZERO problem with rules that are applied consistently. Let me know what they are and I will make sure they are met. Here it seems the rules are different each day…. flowchart for suspension must be missing in action. Oddly enough, so is Daytime Emmy Nominee. Just got the alert that she is again unaccounted for. I asked her yesterday how many times, if she had to estimate, in the last year has she been located in the bathroom instead of class and had consequences applied. Her response, “I’ve never gotten in trouble for that.” Clearly, these rules are consistently applied to each student. *insert eyeball here* Even better, my little Daytime Emmy Princess is supposed to have an escort throughout the building, yet, much like the salad forks, is currently not where she is supposed to be. How she manages to get a tardy, let alone a full on absence, while being escorted, is beyond me. They lost track of her in under an hour today. Impressive. I’ve already reached out to administration to again inquire about the consistent application of rules. I bet they are thrilled.
Today we celebrate a 17th birthday. Celebrations/Holidays are emotional triggers around here for some. I’m spending the day listening to my medication soundtrack in preparation for a meltdown at dinner. Being prepared tends to set a tone for the day if you let it. I try not to let it. Some days I am better at that than others. Letting the meltdown sneak up on you, gives you that false peace all day long only to have the rug pulled out from underneath you in public. I’m not sure which is my preference. I have gotten accustomed to making the great meltdown exit in places now, so thats not so bad. I’ve also gotten the “hold your shit together” thing down to an art. Raising kids with trauma is not easy. I’m not great at it. I have gotten TONS better over the years. Hopefully, the three that I’ve raised from birth take these experiences with them to go out into the world doing good for people and being more compassionate than they would have been without all this.

The suspension flowchart.
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