Who pee’d in his Cheerios?
In todays edition of crap I can’t make up.
4:30am. Hubby locks himself out of the closet.
6:30am. I drive to Port Huron High School.
9:30am. I drive to L’Anse Creuse High School.
10:00am. Client at work.
I survive all of those stops just to risk my life in the Secretary of State office for my 11:20am appointment. Being everyone is in such a hurry now, (so life can pass them by even faster), patience is a lost art. Patience also seems to have taken a hike with manners, never to be seen again. Anyway, SOS is no place to be without an appointment and if you are without an appointment, that’s on you for not utilizing your resources.
If you ask me, some really great stuff came out of COVID. One, I got to spend a ton of time with my Hubby. So to go from rarely seeing him to having him home 24/7 was actually pretty great. I didn’t even mind the kids home all day long. Believe it or not, when someone isn’t hysterical, it’s actually a pretty entertaining place to be. Telehealth came about and well, that turned out to be fantastic!! Not only all that, but you can make an appointment now at Secretary of State. Duh.
The appointment system works great, when you use it, and I’m typically in and out before my actual appointment time. This guy, Mr. Crabapple, waiting in the, “I struggle with technology and directions” seating area, was clearly not in the know about this whole appointment expectation. He spent my entire time in their berating staff about how long he had been waiting, and made the poor gal at the door explain why each of us in line got to go before him. There are a lot of moments in life where I wish I had a remote that silenced people or made me deaf. This was for sure one of those moments. I found myself longing to go home to listen to a houseful of teenage estrogen, raging at each other over fake eyelashes, proper tampon disposal and who took the tv remote.
Was this guy never in Secretary of State BEFORE COVID? You know, when you planned to pack a meal to renew a license plate because you could count on being there all day. Yeah, I really miss that over this appointment approach. Said no one, ever. Except I guess this guy, Mr. Crabapple.
By the time I was leaving, the woman acting as security was all over Mr. Crabapple. Who was of course giving staff one of the last remaining pieces of his mind, while muffled through a mask. Kudos to both the staff member and security because I’d have kicked him out, after I gave him a card with the link to make an appointment.

Take a picture. It lasts longer.
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