The Tale of Five Salad Forks
I have dishes and flatware service for a literal army of people. I am down to 5 salad forks. At least 90% of the people in my house don’t know, or even care, what a salad fork is. (Incorrect utensil use is little nugget of frustration that is an entirely different post.) Which leads me to wonder why they are such a popular commodity around here, second only to spoons.
When you like things orderly and in their place, not all things, but particular things, mismatched flatware becomes unbearable. I am not suggesting I am that person, but if I were that person, I’d start buying my forks on Amazon, in significant quantities and keep “back stock.” Ok, yes, I am that person, which if you’ve looked at the picture, explains the ridiculous quantity of dinner forks.
Because everyone is, “bored,” I’ve asked them to hunt down the salad forks. Of course no one is THAT bored. So, obviously I’ll be hiding what’s left of the flatware while I make dinner tonight. It that doesn’t work, I figure when the next kid wants to make their beloved ramen noodles and they have to inhale it directly from the bowl without a utensil, maybe some salad forks will make their way back home.

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